

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2022-01-07



下面我以上一篇公众号文章(原创雅思写作 8 分范文分享)中范文的倒数第二段为例,分享下我自己是怎样展开观点的。


Some people think that only staff who worked in a company for a long time should be promoted to a higher position. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (具体表述可能有差异)


Less obvious, but no less vital is the signaling effect of the seniority-based approach. A company’s recruitment and promotion preferences reflect its core values and philosophy, and in today’s world of competition and transparency, job seekers are likely to take notice of what a company promotes. A promotion plan based on seniority will not likely attract the young, ambitious, and hopeful workers, because they would think that climbing up the corporate ladder is out of their control, which does a disservice to a company. 

(Word count: 85)



Less obvious, but no less vital is the signaling effect of the seniority-based approach. A company’s recruitment and promotion preferences reflect its core values and philosophy [What do you mean by “the signaling effect”?], and in today’s world of competition and transparency, job seekers are likely to take notice of what a company promotes [Why does “the signaling effect” matter?]. A promotion plan based on seniority will not likely attract the young, ambitious, and hopeful workers [Then what? From prospective employees' perspective], because they would think that climbing up the corporate ladder is out of their control, which does a disservice to a company [So/then what? From company's perspective]



  • 你段首句中说的 the signaling effect 具体指什么呢?

  • the signaling effect 为什么重要呢?

  • the signaling effect 对求职者和年轻员工有什么影响呢?

  • the signaling effect 对公司有什么影响呢?


当然,如果这篇不是雅思作文,或者可以不受考试时间所限,上面这段话完全可以扩写成 2-3 倍的篇幅。这正好也是最近一个读者关心的问题:怎样扩写?

下面我就试着把上面的那段话改写/扩写成一篇 250 字的短文:

Less obvious, but no less vital is the signaling effect of the seniority-based approach. If the adage "you are what you eat" makes dietary sense, there is also a great deal of truth in "you are what you promote". A company’s promotion policy may not explicitly state its corporate culture, but it is unequivocally indicative of it. 

What employees a company promotes is often consistent with its core values. If a worker who always goes out of his way to help her colleagues is rewarded, it is evident that the company prizes givers. If a risk-averse director advances faster than his peers, risk-taking is not worth it. Similarly, ian ill-performing manager gets demoted or fired, it is not difficult to infer that performance is a key metric. You are what you promote. And it is only natural for employees to calibrate their priorities and behavior based on such indicators. 

In today’s world of competition and transparency, job seekers are likely to take notice of what a company values, too. The most talented and creative are spoiled for choices. Armed with multiple high-paying job offers, and assuming all else being equal, they would choose the company that provides the best career advancement: one that rewards talent and hard work, not experience. A promotion plan based on seniority will not likely appeal to them, because they would think that climbing up the corporate ladder is out of their control, which does a disservice to a company. 

(Word count: 250)


掌握了这种方法,一篇 800 字的论述文就可以搞的定了。如果平时可以写这么多,那么考试写 250 字的文章就完全不在话下了。





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孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng


初中英语 70 分(满分 100)

两次获雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分

题图:Alexander Calder


原创雅思写作 8 分范文分享




